Offre de post-doc Université de Caroline du sud

Ci-après, vous trouverez une proposition de post-doc au sein de l’Université de  Caroline du Sud concernant la modélisation thermodynamique (CALPHAD) de système haute température, comprenant des matériaux de structure, des oxydes, des matériaux pour le nucléaire, des sels fondus et des matériaux poreux.

Post-Doctoral Positions

Modeling and Properties of High Temperature Materials

There are immediate opportunities for post-doctoral fellows at the University of South Carolina to support a significant and growing effort on the development and assessment of novel high temperature materials including structural materials, oxide and metallic nuclear fuels, molten salts, and porous materials.  Projects include understanding nano and framework materials for novel phases; developing thermochemical models for complex, multi-element systems to assess behavior in service; and development of formalisms for high temperature species transport, including for use in phase field modeling. Specifically, there is a need for individuals to apply CALPHAD approaches to obtaining thermochemical properties and transport behavior in complex materials.  In addition, new approaches such as computational topological characterization and volumetric free energy correlations are being developed and used, and which the individual will have the opportunity to learn to apply.

The positions require a PhD in chemistry, physics, materials science, or engineering, with experience in high temperature materials being helpful.

For further information, or to provide a CV for consideration, contact

Theodore M. Besmann, PhD
Professor and SmartState Chair
Director, General Atomics Center for Nuclear Technologies
University of South Carolina
Horizon Bldg. Room 434
541 Main Street
Columbia, SC  29208